Blog > Top 10 Branding Moments That Distracted The World In 2022

Top 10 Branding Moments That Distracted The World In 2022

Top 10 Branding Moments That Distracted The World In 2022

InBranding, Business Posted onJan 2, 2023

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Remember, the moment may have passed, but the lessons are timeless. So what can we learn as business/brand owners from this snapshot in time?

What if you could own a space in the brain of your potential customers and clients so as soon as they have the problem that you were a solution to, they instantly thought of and buy from you?

Imagine how powerful that would be for you as a business or brand owner.

Would this skill help you to achieve your mission, help you help more people and lead to stronger conversions and more sales?

Is it a coincidence that when you’re hungry, you think of your favourite takeout, or when you’re bored, you reach for your phone to scroll Facebook or Tik Tok?


This is all that the big brands are trying to do – own a neuron in your brain.

Let me prove it to you. When I say think of a brand of trainer, who do you think of?

Whichever brand you said – they currently own a neuron in your brain. There are thousands of trainer brands; why did that one come to mind?

The likelihood is that you have a pair of trainers from that brand in your wardrobe or on the shoe rack – am I wrong?

Now obviously, this does not happen overnight. It takes multiple exposures and requires absolute clarity on your micro-micro niche, brand voice, nurture, sales, close cycle, and YOU must be able to transform lives with your product or service. Learn more here.

However, now we know the science behind it. Let’s look at the 8 brands, in no particular order, that stole a neuron in our brain and distracted the world in 2022.

Will Smith and the Chris Rock slap.

On the 27th March, the world was stunned as they witnessed Will Smith casually get up at the Oscars and slap seven bells out of Chris Rock. Whether you watched it live or saw the memes, and despite the backlash, Will Smith distracted the world and claimed a neuron in your brain with his outrageous behaviour.

Amber heard and Johnny Depp.

The world was gossiping for weeks when Amber Heard and Johnny Depp aired their dirty laundry in a shocking real-life courtroom drama from the lies to Johhny Depp’s win, that was definitely a moment that stole a neuron in our brains.

Rihanna: Pregnancy, Music and the Superbowl.

Rihanna casually announcing her pregnancy while taking a leisurely stroll, confirming new music and her halftime show at the Superbowl, had the world gagging as she snatched a neuron in the process.

The Balenciaga Saga.

Balenciaga and their disgusting exploit left the world mad, and rightly so with their inappropriate ad campaign, as disgusting as it was etched in our minds.

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle.

The Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tell-all documentary on Netflix, followed by the vicious attack from Jeremy Clarkson, was another neuron-grabbing moment.

The Kanye West Implosion.

Kanye West and his Defcon 3 tweet had the entire world talking as we watched Kanye West’s net worth go from 1.3 billion to 400 million overnight.

Elon Musk Dismantling Twitter.

Elon Musk buying Twitter was another neuron-worthy moment. As we witnessed 90% of the workforce leave and share prices plummet under Elon’s leadership.

Death of the Queen.

And where were you when Queen Elizabeth II died? You probably can recount the time, where you were and what you were wearing and doing. As the Queen was laid to rest, the entire world was descended into mourning. Giving birth to another neuron-owning moment.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and any of the neuron-grabbing distractions that I missed!

Don’t Set Another Pointless New Years Resolution!

If you want 2023 to indeed be your year, instead of setting pointless resolutions that never stick, focus on where your blindspots are. Now, this is where we are most likely to get stuck. So often, we are too close to the problem to see what is going on, regardless of how much we know.

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Let’s bless more people together. ⁣⁣

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